Flamenko aşkı: Amor de Dios

Flamenko en iyi nerede öğrenilir?… Madrid’in eski şehrinde Anton Martin metro durağından çıktığınızda karşıya geçip aradaki dar sokağa girince pazar yerine benzer bir yer vardır, iki katlı ortası kare şeklindeki binanın içine girerseniz sıra sıra dizilmiş manav, peynirci, balıkçıları görürsünüz; satılan bütün bu yiyeceklerin karışımının kokusu havada asılı durur. Böyle bir yerin üst katında sanat icra edildiği hiç gelmez aklınıza, üst kata doğru merdivenleri çıkarken ayak sesleri duymaya...

Love of Flamenco: Amor de Dios

What is the best place to learn flamenco? If you exit the Anton Martin subway station in the old town of Madrid, cross the street and enter the side alley, you find yourself in a place which looks like a marketplace. If you walk in the two-storey square building, you will see a group of green groceries, cheese shops, and fish shops where the smells of the food sold here hang in the air. One cannot imagine that people perform art on the second floor of this place. While climbing up the stairs,...

Salvador de Bahia: streets, squares, churches, music

In order to get a true sense of Brazil’s first capital Salvador de Bahia, it is recommendable to stay in the heart of the old town ‘Centro Histórico’. The Bahiacafé hotel which is located on the Praça da Sé (Se Square) is a two floor colonial style building with rooms made of wooden floors and high ceilings, the percussion sound coming from outside makes us feel we are now in Bahia. During day and night you’ll hear music on the streets of Salvador’s old town, percussion groups made of...

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