A castle resting on the hill of Jodhpur, the second biggest city of the state of Rajasthan, and far in the horizon, the houses painted in blue in the old town surrounding the castle. The city was built in the 15th century by Rathore Dynasty and named after its then ruler, Jodha who was one of the 24 sons of Ranmal. The construction of the castle also dates back to the same period. Its name is composed of two nouns in Sanskrit: “Mihir” means the Sun, whereas ‘garh’ means castle (one cannot help thinking of the English word ‘guard’). Rathore the God of Sun was the chief God of the dynasty. The interior design of Mehrangagh is similar to other castles we visited and includes many parts: Palace of Pearl, Palace of Flower, Palace of Mirror…The most impressive parts exemplify mastery of the art of wood engraving.