The civic district of Singapore houses not only the famous National Gallery but also two other important museums. One is the Asian Civilisations Museum, it’s aiming to show Singapore’s strategic character being the intersection between China, Southeast Asia and India.
Just next to it you will find a space exclusive for contemporary art where Singapore based artist Eng Tow’s ‘Thought Grains’ (taking its shape& name from rice) is exhibited. Right behind the museum there’s another important building which is the Old Parliament, today serving as Singapore Arts House. The Old Parliament’s halls are preserved as its first days on the second floor and can be visited. The first floor houses a wonderful exhibition: the Singapore based artist Tang Ling Nah gives me a guided tour to her current exhibition ‘Dreaming in Black and White’, that collects her chalkboard paintings in black, white and grey, her video installations, dance videos shooted at the urban spaces such as metro, the intersection of different building, the spaces that we pass by every day without even recognising each other: passages, transitory conditions… She takes our attention to these places that we may be passing by each other without even looking at each other, this urban condition that creates certain individuality and loneliness. Artists’s full length documentary ‘Dreaming in Black and White’ is also shown at the Arts House. Congratulations Tang!