A less discovered place in the old town. There was a scene in a novel I read that took place here, which made me curious about it. This red coloured one store house is the house of a famous Colombian poet, Asunción Silva lived for a couple of years before he committed suicide at the age of 30. It is never crowded, a silent place with a ‘patio’, a book store, a room where you find the cassettes of several writers and poets who read their own books with their own voice. We ask for Gabriel Garcia Marquez, he reads slowly a part from One Hundred Years of Solitude. We sit on leather sofas and travel along the pages of the book listening to his young voice pronouncing every word slowly in Caribbean rhythm. An extraordinary experience. Asunción Silva’s most well known poem is Nocturne ii, almost every Colombian knows it, it says ‘and they became one long shadow’. Silva, though having died very young, had become one of the most important poets of the Modernist movement.